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English All In: Activities, Songs and Rhymes For Classes 1-3 & Writing and Reading Exercises For Class 4

by Alec Templeton & Michael Hevesi

Available: click here “Drawing on more than four decades of teaching, Alec’s book offers EFL/ESL teachers a valuable collection of material for grades 1-4, along with helpful methodological suggestions as to […]

Teaching Foreign Languages in Blocks

Mimicking the teacher at Waldorf Steiner school English lesson

I have always thought that the best way to teach a language in a classroom is by creating an atmosphere which enables pupils to take an imaginary trip to the culture of the given language. If we have ever had the chance to travel, we […]

Teaching the little ones- how we acquire languages

Teaching young children is one of the greatest possibilities to get rare insights into how language is being acquired, and sometimes into how language itself is being created. Experience mimicking and synchrony!

Sixteen years ago I had a busy and exciting summer. I was preparing for teaching English and Spanish to primary classes at a […]

Kato Lomb on Motivation to Learn Languages

Kato Lomb was a very important polyglot who learnt about 25 languages and worked with 16 of them as a translator. She advocated reading books in foreign languages without using a dictionary in order to gather a huge amount of vocabulary. Paradoxically this is a very effective way to achieve proficiency in a foreign language.


WORKSHOP by Alec Templeton (English Week)

Alec Templeton’s next courses:

English Week: 3-8 November 2024 (Kloster Altenberg, Odenthal)


Was wünscht sich eine Deutschlehrerin?

Im Gespräch mit Frau Margarete Orlik-Walsh, die Deutsch als Fremdsprache im Mittleren Westen der USA unterrichtet. Seit 21 Jahren arbeitet sie an der Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor im Bundesstaat Michigan. Sie erzählt wichtige Erfahrungen, u.a. warum epochaler Fremdsprachenunterricht gleichzeitig den Schülern und den LehrerInnen dient, oder wie man sogar eine dritte Fremdsprache an […]

Bereicherung durch den Fremdsprachenunterricht

im Gespräch mit Nikolai Höfer- Hauptorganisator der Internationalen Deutsch-Woche in Berlin

M.H.: Seit wann machst Du bei der Organisation der Deutsch-Woche mit und wie bist Du dazugekommen?

N.H.: Vor zehn Jahren ungefähr war ich zum ersten Mal als Teilnehmer in der Deutsch-Woche. Die war noch damals am Seminar in Witten angegliedert. Zweimal habe […]




Acknowledgment and the Concept

First issue Lingua W

Dear Teachers and Parents!

First of all we would like to thank for the contributors! Don’t hesitate to send us further articles, ideas, methodology topics, photos, interviews, experiences etc. in the language you teach.

We hope that the enthusiasm being present in many contributions […]