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Acknowledgment and the Concept

First issue Lingua W

First issue Lingua W

Dear Teachers and Parents!

First of all we would like to thank for the contributors! Don’t hesitate to send us further articles, ideas, methodology topics, photos, interviews, experiences etc. in the language you teach.

We hope that the enthusiasm being present in many contributions will affect the whole community.  Our intention is to actively contribute to the momentum to build the right environment for the self-developing child even in the area of language teaching.

When visiting foreign language lessons in schools we often find hidden marvels, that aren’t showed at workshops or written down in books. We would like to show and spread these marvels worth to be integrated into ones teaching method and style.

Concept of the magazine

One of the main concepts of this magazine is that it should be published in the frequently taught languages at Waldorf-Schools (English, German, French, Spanish, Russian).   But we welcome contributions in other small or rare languages as well, as our school movement is dedicated to all children and to all languages. So is this magazine.

Each language will be individually edited and not necessarily be the translation of the other languages. Excerpts of the most important contributions will be available in the other main languages as well.

We’ll consider Steiners principles and proposals (the Menschenkunde and the age determined content) in this magazine, but we also like to present ideas that are practicable with the ideas beyond our schools.

An idea is taking now shape. Lingua W is something new. Please forgive us the initial mistakes and failures, we are just learning how to find the best shape for this idea.

Feel free to tell us your suggestions and share your best practice and pictures with your colleagues and the parents.

We also thank for each financial or non-financial support we have got from all over the world. Even small amounts of money are welcome!